Bluestone, Flagstone, or Concrete Pavers in NH?
Deciding on the right paver can be a tough choice, especially if you’re not well-versed in the variety available to you. And even then, the choices can be overwhelming. Luckily, a little bit of consideration concerning your personal taste and needs can go a long way.
For starters, it’s no secret that New Hampshire gets cold. Knowing this, it’s best to consider a paver that will withstand the elements; something that will hold up when the snow begins to fall and starts to coat the ground of your property. As far as pavers suitable for the job go, there are three you should take into serious consideration: bluestone, flagstone and concrete.
Bluestone comes in two forms: rectilinear and natural. In other words, it can either be laid into nicely squared shapes, or you may opt for a more natural, uneven look. Despite the name, bluestone can come in a variety of different colors, including but not limited to the blueish grey from which it gets its name, as well light and dark grey and brown. Bluestone offers a traditional look for your backyard patio, and its fine-grain texture is ideal for walking on barefoot in the sun. In addition to its summer utility, bluestone is typically dry laid, making it resilient against the harsher weather conditions in the winter.
But perhaps bluestone is not your preference. It does, after all, possess a fairly formal look suitable for a certain aesthetic. Maybe you’re looking for something a bit more natural. In that case, consider flagstone. This paver is always unique, with a myriad of natural detail and coloring. It is also particularly durable in wet weather conditions, and can act as a permeable surface that reduces ground water runoff. In addition, it’s also just plain cost-effective, making it an inherently attractive prospect for your outdoor living space. Flagstone is also an excellent contributor to a rustic or natural look and is available in both regular and irregular shapes and sizes.
Concrete Pavers
For the widest variety of aesthetic options, it’s hard to top concrete pavers. With a huge set of different designs, concrete pavers are the most versatile option of the bunch. Concrete gives you the option to tailor your patio to your property’s overall look, and grants you a creative freedom you may not get with other choices. As far as durability in harsh weather is concerned, concrete is relatively flexible. This means that it can survive the incredibly cold winters in New Hampshire no worse for wear. In many cases, concrete pavers are designed to convincingly replicate the details of natural stone, ensuring a natural look despite it being a manmade product. Concrete pavers are also resistant to fading, staining and spalling that can affect certain varieties of natural stone.
Of course, in the end, it comes down purely to personal preference, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a bad option among these three, as they all offer unique and exciting opportunities to elevate your home in different, but effective ways.