French Drain

6 questions to ask about French drains before excavation starts in Milford, NH

6 questions to ask about French drains before excavation starts in Milford, NH

If you are preparing for the installation of a French drain, you may find yourself still wondering exactly what a French drain does. You may also find yourself questioning whether you really need one. This is because the idea of having trenches dug in and around your property can be less than appealing. Here are some questions to ask before the French drain excavation begins at your Milford, NH property.

Advantages of Using the French Drain System for Backyards in Bedford, NH

Advantages of Using the French Drain System for Backyards in Bedford, NH

If you groan every time it rains because water collects in your basement or around the foundation of your Bedford, NH, home, consider installing a French drain system. This type of drain can help to eliminate the water trouble that plagues your landscape when a storm comes.

Prevent Damage to Your Foundation With a French Drain in Peterborough, NH

Prevent Damage to Your Foundation With a French Drain in Peterborough, NH

If you’re in constant worry every time the rain pours down because water frequently pools around the base of your home and enters your basement, it may be time for a change. Consider all the ways that a French drain can prevent flooding and damage to your Peterborough, NH, property.